Saturday, September 24, 2016

Virginia Highlands Fall Festival

V was visiting today and wanted to do something different.  Well, it just so happened that the Virginia Highlands Fall Festival was happening at Mount Rogers.  
 The highlight of the festival, which includes music, food and crafts, is the pony auction.
 Some of the wild ponies that roam the park, are rounded up and auctioned off.  The money goes to the local fire and rescue departments and helps support the care of the ponies through the winter.
 There was a steady stream of people coming to look over the ponies.
 J and V were picking out their favorites.
 Then at 2:00 the crowd gathered for the excitement.  Last year was rainy with a poor turnout and the ponies averaged about $125 with some going for as little as $25.   This year, the weather was perfect.  I'm not sure the exact average but it is probably around $450 with several going over $550.  They were cute but not cute enough for us to bring one home at that price.
We did enjoy browsing though  the craft tents.  J had the best find...
a Reasor Green apple from a nursery in North Carolina that was selling trees.  Yes, it is an heirloom variety developed by one of his ancestors.  It was thought to be extinct but was later rediscovered.  There is an interesting story about that HERE.  They didn't have one of the trees with them but we could order it and have it shipped.  J is trying to decide where to plant one now.
A very enjoyable day.


C said...

Great find J. How cool!

Michelle said...

Nice to see that heirloom apple. I hope you do plant one of those trees.

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