
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

5th Case

J was rotating the cows at BJ's Saturday and was one short.  He went back and looked and one cow didn't make it out of the field, she was just laying in the gate opening.  He came home, got me and some meds, and went back to try to get her up.  She had gone back to the creek and when we tried to drive her to the barn she just laid down in the creek.  (highly unusual behavior for a cow)
We finally got her to the barn and she just laid down there too.  I drew some blood but decided not to bother testing her for theileria because she was showing all the signs the other ones did.   
Take my word for it, she is very pale.  We gave her some LA200 and a vitamin/iron supplement called Magic Cell.  (gives the body building blocks necessary to make new red blood cells)
Surprisingly, she was up and drinking when we checked on her the next day. 
Then yesterday we turned her out in a bigger lot.  J still has to haul water to her but not as far as the barn lot.  She is 7 months pregnant, not sure how all of this is going to affect that.  She is our 5th case, 3 died and one was very sick for several weeks.  This is the first case at this farm.  I haven't heard if anyone else is having the same issues we are.  It is very frustrating.  

Friday, July 16, 2021

Mixed Up and Extra

I feel like this is a commercial for Reese's Cups. 
Someone got Coneflowers in my Black-Eyed Susans.  No, someone got Black-Eyed Susans in my Coneflowers.  Either way, they are mixed up.  Can't decide if I like it or not.  What I do like is how beautiful the flowers have been with all the rain we have been getting.
Then can you see the extra?   
There was a cute little hummer visiting the phlox when I was taking pictures.  

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Year Off

J hasn't made much time for riding for almost a year now.  
Jessica had that bad episode last July when we tried to trail ride, sweating, stopping, high pulse after just walking a mile.  She has been running around out in the field like there is not problem.  (other than being 20 years old and stiff from her episode with Lyme disease.)  So is that Jessica or J with a year off.  Sounds like both. 
Today, J decided to go for a ride with me and Draper.  Draper rarely gets to go out with another horse.  I mostly just ride around the farm by myself.  So this was a treat to have J and Jessica. 
Jessica was back to her old self, walking out with a purpose.  
And no issues after about an hour around the farm.  Maybe we will get to try a trail ride again soon. 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

From My Kitchen Window

I was washing dishes the other morning and noticed a new weathervane on the barn roof. 
But wait, we don't have a weathervane. 
I'm going with a blue hereon.   Very unusual to see one away from the water like this.  
Then I was working at the computer, turned around and saw this beautiful double rainbow. 
I went out on the deck but still couldn't fit it in one frame.  Lots of wonderful things just outside the window.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Coupon Saturday #58

There was a question last coupon Saturday about not getting any staples to go along with my deal.  So this week I remedied that.  The first two are actually from Saturday. 
Pepsi was on sale 4 for $10. 
I got it for $5.47
Then I needed some vinegar.  
OK, it was only $3.25 and I paid $3.60.  But I think the Tide was worth the extra. 
Then I made a run today because there was a digital Huggies coupon glitching.  It was for $2.50 and was attaching to the $1.00 packs giving $1.50 overage.  Plus, on a couple of accounts I had a $3 off $15 that is good all month.  So I stocked up on some M&M's. 
$3.05 for $10 worth.
Then I had a great deal that I just needed to add a $3 item to so I grabbed some Honey Smacks. 
Got the $3 box for $2.05.

Four great deals with lots of free stuff thrown in.  

Monday, July 5, 2021

New Pressure Washer

I finally broke down and bought a pressure washer.  I have been talking about getting one for years but never could decide on what to get.  
So this year I buckled down and checked several out on line.  I decided to get an electric one because I thought I would have power everywhere I had water.  Plus, no worry about keeping up an engine and trying to start it.  I opted for the most powerful electric one that was still somewhat affordable.  Lowes carries this brand but I had to order it because they only had the lighter duty ones in stock.  
Well, you don't know how dirty something is until it's clean.   It is doing an amazing job on the brick, 
and on the sidewalk.  I was also able to spray the mud off of the driveway where J parks the farm truck.  What normally takes a couple of hours and lots of tools, only took about 15 minutes and probably less water. 

We are weaning and hauling cattle tomorrow so maybe J will try it out when he cleans out the trailer.  So far so good.  Going out now to finish the walk and brick planters.