
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Oh No, Limping Again

I took Otoelene out for a ride yesterday.  Things started off fine.  We rode down the gravel road, then up through the gouge.  
We saw this heifer out in a swampy area by herself and drove her out. 
She got with the others around that down tree.  That is when Otoelene started limping.  We had just come up a steep hill and everything seems fine until then.  I looked down to make sure she had not lost a shoe.  No, both shoes still there. We walked a little further and I just kept thinking about her navicular.  But wait, that was the other foot.  And at this rate I didn't think we would make it back to the barn.  So I got off to examine her hoof. 
Well, that would do it.  That rock was really wedged in there good.  I was able to finally knock it loose by pounding on it with another rock.  Goodness knows there are plenty of rocks around to chose from.  That did the trick, no more limping and we made it back to the barn in good shape. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Awesome Birding Day With Emily

Joe and I went birding around the farm with Emily this morning.  We started with an indigo bunting in the yard.  I didn't get a picture but did see it with the binoculars.  We also saw another one later on our walk, but alas, no picture again. 
I also added a white breasted nuthatch, 
and a great crested flycatcher. 
At one point I saw a little bird flying back and forth at the edge of the woods.  Emily spotted this nest.  Pretty amazing, seeing as it just looks like a knot on the limb. It is so well camouflaged with the lichen.  I suggested waiting to see if the bird came back. 
And she did. 
So I got to add an eastern wood-pewee.  
I already have a black vulture and blue jay, just thought it was a cool picture. 
Joe spotted this amazing scarlet tanager.  Very impressive.  
We also found yet another down tree on our walk.  
When we got back to the house, there were two bald eagles soring over the yard, unbelievable.  
Emily checked on her bluebird box that has a tree swallow nest.  She made it so the side can open.  And look what was inside, at least 4 little hatchlings.  
Then, when I was helping Emily get her camping box out of the shop, I found another bird nest.  She thinks this is a Carolina wren.  And look where it decided to build the nest, 
in Hank's feed bag.  Altogether, I was able to add 7 new birds during Emily's visit.  That has jumped me into a 4 way tie for 24th.  A very successful outing.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Family Day, Memorial Day

I decided to have a barbeque for Memorial Day instead of a cookout.  That way no one was left working at the grill and I could have everything done ahead of time.
It was a beautiful day and the porch was ready.  
Sadie provided most of the entertainment.  Here Sadie is pointing to everyone and repeating their names. 
New baby Allie also got some attention. 
Some relaxing and tall tales in the living room. 
Proof that Sadie's nose was clear for once. 
Like father like son. 
More Baby Allie.  This was pretty much her position.  We did keep check on her to try to catch her awake.  She's a big sleeper so far. 
Grandma Sandy likes to check out baby hands and feet. 
I got Sadie a new hat to have here.  She loves to go outside and always wants a hat.
I thinks it is a pretty cute one. 
Emily got in a little rest.  She has been able to add another bird to my list by just sitting on the porch.  A Green Heron flew over and she pointed it out to me.
Then we had to make a trip to the barn.  We have a 6 week old calf we are now having to feed.  The cow wasn't doing well so we ended up selling her and weaning the calf.  It is eating grain now. 
Farm chores still need doing even if you are wearing a cute Minnie Mouse dress.  
Pop Pop time with Allie, She was awake!
And Emily and Sadie had some quite book time.  A wonderful day.  Sorry not everyone could join us. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Couponing #71

Joe was able to move around a little better today.  But I still went around with him this morning to get the gates while he checked the cattle.
There are just a few cows left to calve and we are needing to get everyone in soon to do the pre breeding work.  
But I still had time for a Dollar General run.  I was needing hamburger buns for tomorrow and I had that $5 from the junk mail burning a hole in my pocket.  I got all of this plus 2 Red Baron frozen pizzas that were on sale 2 for $8. 
My total was $6.60 plus tax. 
Then just because I like to try for a low out of pocket, I did this. 
Not bad for 25 cents plus tax. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Not Much

Between the rain, Joe's sciatica that has laid him up on the sofa for 2 days, and my cold from  H-E-double toothpicks, not much has been going on here.  Mike was good enough to come help yesterday when I couldn't get off work any earlier.  I had left Joe in the recliner and when I called at lunch he had made it to the couch.  That's when I called Mike to go check on things.  It's nice to have them nearby. 
Maybe now we have a rainbow, everything will straighten out. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Junk Mail Or Not

I received a pretty nondescript piece of mail the other day.
I should say, it was in our mail box addressed to resident but the house number was to a nonexistent house.   It stayed on the counter a couple of days.  For some reason I decided to go ahead and open it before I threw it away. 
It was a government food survey that I had no intension of filling out, wanting to know our income and food insecurities.  
But there was a surprise.  At least I got $5 for opening some junk mail.  I hear that $5 can go pretty far at Dollar General. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Prophecy Coming To Pass

You may remember a few days ago that I posted a picture of my first peony blooming and predicting that it would soon rain.  Well that prophecy was fulfilled.
This is what happens to peonies in full bloom after 2 inches of rain. 
In years like this some might feel that peonies may be over rated. 
I did get one unfocused picture of one group of the peonies prior to the rain.  They were pretty for a few day.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Ding Bat

We has a couple of stragglers born last night.  It rained 2 inches.
This one ended up on the wrong side of the fence.  Joe found it and put it on the right side.  But the nanny is a ding bat, Joe's words.  She also has an udder issue, future picture, that makes it difficult for a newborn to latch on to. 
So we went to get them up and make sure the baby nursed.  That is where the nanny ran off to.
Joe put the kid at the gate hole.  If you zoom in you might can see the nanny.  She didn't go through.
Instead, she turned around and ran back to the other end of the field.
We got her with two others that haven't kidded yet and headed back to the barn. 
This time she went through the gate. 
You can see the size of her milkers.  Very nice if you are hand milking but a little difficult for a newborn. 
After Joe got her pinned against the wall I was able to help the little one latch on and nurse.  I milked some out of the other side so maybe it will be easier for the little one to nurse on later.  We left everyone in the barn over night.  Hopefully tomorrow things will be sorted out. 
 Kid Count - 67