
Sunday, February 10, 2008


Due to the fact that derogatory comments were made about Oreo's behavior I thought it only fair that one of his good points be brought out. He is very photogenic. These pictures were taken by V a couple of days ago.

Once again we have been blasted by wind all day today. Three large sections of flashing have come off the side of the house and the trampoline was moved five feet. If it wasn't nailed down (or in the case of the flashing even if it was) it was blown away.

I started the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace 13 week series at church tonight. Around 25 couples or individuals are taking the class. It should be very good. J didn't go to the first class, he said there is no way he could spend any less than he already is.

1 comment:

  1. My apologies to Oreo. Oreo can be friendly but can turn very quickly (watch for the biting). I have to agree that Oreo is definitely photogenic (nice shots V).

    Terrible about the wind damage. Windy here too. I've got some siding that I need to caulk down.

    Mama said that you were teaching the Dave Ramsey course. Is that true? Very cool.
