
Friday, June 4, 2010

Cattle Working

We finally got the last group of cattle worked today. J thought it was very hot and humid. I got to stand in the shade of the chute cover so it wasn't too bad for me. He also committed that poop was covering the ground but where there wasn't poop the cows were slinging it with their tails.

The calves are sired by a half angus/simmental bull and a pure bred angus bull.
My arm got a little tired getting the chute opened up. It does work good catching them however.
We celebrated being done by going out to dinner tonight. The cattle celebrated on new pasture.

1 comment:

  1. The cattle are really looking great. I have been so busy with the girls finishing up with school I haven't had much computer time. I see the 4 wheeler has came in handy. I bet he wished he had gotten one a long time ago.
