
Monday, August 16, 2010

V's Show Results

V showed in 4 classes Saturday.
She did well in most of the classes. There was one pony class where they showed against a very small pony that the little girl couldn't get to do anything but follow Pep. When Jessica caught up with her she acted like she wanted to bite the pony.
Since it was such a small show we didn't spend much time on Jessica's mane. Instead of the 44 braids we put in last time, we only did 15. I had originally tried to french braid her mane. It looked good for about 2 minutes then she moved her head and it all came out.
V won 2 firsts, 1 second and a fourth. The fourth was in English go as you please. There was no hunter gayp so I put her in English. Apparently, the judge didn't think she should have been in that class against the gaited horses. She was by far the best.
I even managed to show in a class. I took Pep in Adult walk/jog and came away with first place.

1 comment:

  1. Good work V! K - how does it feel to get back in there yourself?
