
Friday, December 17, 2010

Bumble Bea

Here is an update on our guard dogs Bumble and Bea.
First off, it is very difficult to get a decent picture because all they want to do when they see me is flop over and hold there feet in the air.
On this occasion however, Bumble decided to assert her dominance and pinned Bea down.
Emma on the other hand still can control both of the bigger dogs even though they are 2 1/2 times her size. We still have not lost any goats since they have been on the job. J even saw a coyote running down the driveway a couple of days ago but we weren't the least bit worried with Bumble and Bea around.
It does take quite a bit of food for them. Emma's cup is on the left and Bumble and Bea's is on the right. One scoop for Emma twice a day and two scoops for Bumble and Bea once a day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the names! too cute. They are pretty sweet dogs, but so big! But I guess the extra food is worth it since you havent lost a goat yet.
