
Friday, February 18, 2011

Junk Day

No matter how clean we think our farm is junk still seams to happen. The weather was nice today and J had a little extra time so he decided to make a trip to the dump.
First up was a gate J didn't even want to repair again.
Then a couple of other gates needed to be moved.
We finally got an old round bale feeder loaded and I saw an old culvert that could go.
That pretty much topped off the green box.


  1. good for you to clean up the junk, we have lots of old machinery I would like to get rid of, but there is nowhere to take it unless we cut it up and sell it as scrap metal which takes forever. Its a never ending job claeaning thats for sure.

  2. Just found your blog and really enjoyed looking through your posts. We just started a hobby farm but our oldest is planning on starting college next year and studying to be a large animal vet. And then our youngest is convinced he'll own a ranch someday. Right now we'll live our lives vicariously through you guys. Must have been cleanup day everywhere. We had 4 pickup loads of hay and other stuff from the horses that we cleaned up today, atleast yours didn't smell.
