
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Yak

We have a fall calf that has never been quite right.  She was born small and failed to thrive.  J eventually weaned her and brought her to the barn to feed her special.
 She was 2 months old when J weaned her.  She has had all the feed she can eat.
She is now 5 months old and just slightly larger than a big dog.  J thinks with her long hair that she looks like a yak.  I think we need to advertise her as a miniature Angus and sell her for $2000.


  1. OH MY GOSH--I LOVE HER! You jest--but you could easily sell her for good money. She’s adorable and tiny!! I would love to have her. So glad you visited Verde Farm--as I’m thrilled to find you and your little Yak too :)

  2. She certainly is a genetic mystery.

  3. All I can say is well.We have had a couple like that. B

  4. Oh I hope she lives a good and healthy life! She's adorable!

  5. Ha! i thought she looked kinda funny!!! A yak.... amazing!

    thanks for posting!

  6. She has her own cuteness. I hope she has a long life.

  7. haha shes funny! we had a calf born oct 27 and she kinda looks like that will super long winter hair, Im hoping she will grow out of it and look normal by springtime.

  8. How cute! It will be interesting to see how she develops. You'll have to give us updates!

  9. It is likely that this is not a "cute" nor a benign situation. Do you know the breeding/genetics behind this calf? The Angus breed is having significant problems with genetic defects.
