
Friday, April 1, 2011

Kidding Has Begun

I moved the goats to the field behind the barn a couple of days ago because they were due to start kidding on April 1st.  I looked out the window this morning and saw a cluster of cattle.  This is usually not a good thing because they typically cluster around anything different in order to inspect it closely.
 Well, in this case the something different was a set of twins.
 At least Bumble was there trying to take care of the little ones.
 This is a yearling doe so not a proven mom yet.  They were fairly wet and she wasn't licking them as much as I would have liked to see.
 With the wind and snow blowing and temperatures in the low 30's, the kids can get chilled quickly.
 We brought them to the barn and set up a pen but one was pretty weak already.
I tried to warm it up at the barn with the hair drier and tubed it twice with colostrum but I just couldn't get him warm enough.
He's now in the laundry room on a heating pad and under a heat lamp.  He'll probably make it but I doubt the nanny takes him back.


  1. Poor little thing. I'm glad you were able to rescue him.

  2. Poor baby, I hope he makes it, so precious...

  3. Oh my gosh--I so hope he is ok. What a precious little baby.

  4. He's sweet...hope he does well for you! (We're nursing a hen-pecked chicken in our laundry room right now)

    Thanks for joining my blog! :)

  5. hes so cute! are twins normal for goats?

  6. Yeah with those "new" mommies you never know. it can go eighter way...

    Hope he makes it allright!


  7. That's the kind of thing I'm scared of it I was to have goats.

  8. Sweet, but it does look a bit cruel on how you carry them... Is there a special reason for this?
