
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunrise Service

We got an emergency call from the church secretary yesterday wanting to know if we had a small 4 legged animal the preacher could use for the Sunrise Service.  She had sheep but the lambs were too big and wild to hold. So, of course we did, we had 58 to choose from.
 It was a beautiful morning for the service.
 I picked out the little triplet that we are supplementing with a bottle.
 She got held for the entire service and didn't make a peep or mess.
 She was a big hit to feed afterwards.  She is now named Bunny.
E dyed the deviled eggs this year as found in the Life in the Little Red Farmhouse blog. (I love E's Easter shirt)
They were a big hit.
Kid count:  60 with 31 nannies kidding.  Two older pet goats, Squeeky and Tinkerbell, and a yearling didn't kid. (they might later in the summer, we'll see)


  1. Those have to be the most unique deviled eggs ever! Too cool!

    The baby goats are sure cute, and what a good one to handle the whole service.

  2. So glad you made the dyed eggs and enjoyed them. They look great. E, love the Easter shirt!

  3. What a nice story, the baby goat is so precious, yes those eggs look very good too, never tried dying them, neat idea!

  4. E those eggs really were colorful. Nice job.
