
Friday, April 8, 2011


V's pet bottle goat Chocolate had a set of twins today.
 Because there are still cattle in the field, we moved them to the lot we made with the electric netting out from the barn.
 Goats are funny (funny peculiar not funny ha ha).  We you pick up a baby goat it disappears as far as the nanny goat is concerned.
 Therefore, you can only go a few yards with them at a time.  As soon as you set the kids down it's like they magically reappeared and the nanny comes running.  If you go too far then the nanny runs back to where you started to look for them there.
 They fell into a bit of a heap when J set them down here.  Bumble is always good about being submissive to the goats.
That way she can get up close.  V says shes not naming these because she doesn't want to get attached in case they don't make it.  I think they look strong, Chocolate is taking good care of them, and with the guard dogs there should be an increased survival rate.  I'm thinking Coco and Mocha.  Happy Birthday (a day late) V.
Kid Count:  23


  1. So cute. I love the names Coco and Mocha. Of course, I have a baby goat named Mocha!

  2. Great story and interesting, I enjoy hearing about these animals,hope all is well with them also.

  3. Happy B'day V.

    A baby goat pile!

  4. I love seeing dogs and goats together! I just raised a kid in my townhome and my yellow lab fell in love! It was hard on everyone when she had to return.

    Lovin' your blog!

