
Monday, July 18, 2011

Trail Ride

Our 4-H group had a small trail ride yesterday.  The person that was going to go with us that knew other trails got kicked and couldn't ride so that left us going on Horse Heave again. We had 2 4-Hers and 5 adults. Joe was going to ride his dad's horse Lady but she coliced the day before.  She seemed fine yesterday but we didn't want to stress her.  Someone else brought an extra horse for me to ride.  She was a 3 year old QH that had not been ridden since last  October.  She actually did really well. 
 E rode Hank because we haven't put shoes on Pep in over a year.  It doesn't seem to make a difference though, she gets abscesses weather we shoe her or not.
E rode up near the front for most of the ride.  This was an entirely different position for her.  I think she liked the change of scenery.


  1. OH, how very jealous I am!!! Have fun on the trails for me. Remember, we have Iney or Anna...I'd love for someone to ride them.

  2. can't wait til we and our horses are ready for a trail ride.

  3. Looks like ya'll had a great ride!
