
Friday, August 12, 2011

Beginning and End

I can't believe this is V's last year of high school.
 It seems like such a short time ago we were sending her off to her first day of kindergarten (wow, just found out it was garten not garden.) with her little sister looking up to her so adoringly.
Now she is going for her last year (sniff, sniff). Her book bag is bigger and her lunch box turned into a fashion purse but she is still my little girl that I love with all my heart.


  1. She'll be all grown up sooner than you know it.

  2. Oh my goodness, that must be a heart breaker. My own kids are growing at the speed of light and sometimes I just want time to slow down a little. Yet at the same time, I bet it's amazing to see her turn into a young woman ready for independence. It's got to be a big mix of emotions for you.

  3. I love love love that picture of V and E. How did the time go so quickly? So V is already going back to school (I assume it is governor's school starting now and not regular school)?
