
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Family Day

We had a family day on the farm today.  However, it was not the kind of family time that V and E enjoy.  We are getting ready to send another group of calves to the feedlot later this month.  So that meant more vaccines, and EID tags. 
 J pushed them through the chute and V worked the head gate.  The J put in the tags.
 I gave the shots.
 E kept the records and helped draw up the vaccines.  We got finished in record time.
 With the extra help J got the feed hauled out easier.  (He has usually been using the 4 wheeler for this now.  The wheelbarrow has a flat tire.)  Despite the obvious struggle, E did make it to the feed trough with her 50 pound sack.
We'll mix these 40 weanlings with some yearlings leftover from last year and hopefully have a full load.  J thinks we need to schedule all future cattle workings as family time from now on.


  1. Family day sure makes sense to me!

  2. A good days work.One day I bet the girls will look back on those "family days " as great fun.I know I still enjoy them

  3. What a nice looking herd of cattle! LOVE the picture of the feedbag struggle! :)

  4. Cattle work is fun work, right?

  5. If it makes it go faster, for sure!
