
Monday, October 24, 2011

Finish Line

I was tired of carrying my camera in the fanny pack so I left it after lunch.  The 17 mile 2nd loop was very similar ground as the first loop.
 We crossed the finish line and the horses pulsed down at 4:02.  The ride started at 9 am. (6 hours of ride time, 50 min. hold and 10 min. vet check)  We placed 38th and 39th.  Our times were tied but J somehow got the higher placing.  48 horses started and 46 finished.  I think we were the fastest of the non Arabian group.  And the horses got all A's on there final vet checks.  I was able to do 35 miles here in the same time as 30 miles during the Virginia Highland Challenge in August.
 We were lazy the first night and just tied the horses to the trailer.  ALWAYS A MISTAKE when you are sleeping or trying to sleep in the trailer.  So the second night I went ahead and made a picket line.  I think Jessica was a little tuckered out.
   J even had a soft moment and gave her a horse treat.  The ride home was uneventful.
The horses were definitely glad to be back on familiar ground.
 first Jessica
 then Hank.

 I think J is looking for another ride.


  1. Very well done! Especially against Arabs.

  2. Good for you!
    Love the rolling pictures,nothing makes me happier then a happy horse rolling.

  3. Yay! Remember: To finish is to win! And you FINISHED with sound, happy (but tired) horses. What more could you ask for? I am super excited that the endurance bug has bitten you two. Maybe Old Dominion will call next year???

  4. Congrats on your placings.

    My hubs always says monkey see, monkey do. When one rolls they all roll.

  5. Good for you! Glad you finished and even better than the last ride.
