
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Auction

J and I spent the day at a farm auction.  120 acres in 3 tracts with a nice 1 story house.  The land was very level with beautiful mountain views.  We briefly entertained the idea of bidding on it until the opening bid was our final amount. 
 The 105 acres w/o the house was 5300 an acre and the house and 15 acres went for 240,000.
 There was some farm equipment and miscellaneous items.  We did manage to buy some corral panels for the new barn.

There was a very large crowd, more of a fair atmosphere than auction.  Everyone enjoyed visiting and the weather was beautiful.  J did lament that he should have been home cutting wood instead.


  1. Thats some pretty good money for farm land!

  2. Oh, no... any time spent at an auction is well spent!

  3. We enjoy going to farm auctions too...especially if they're close by. It's like a neighborhood reunion! Just a few weeks ago, a neighbor's 72 acre farm with a large brick house sold for $1.3 million! (glad we don't have to pay that mortgage!!)

  4. We luv auctions. Have too much stuff so we try to stay away from them as much as possible.
