
Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall Cows and Calves

Work, work, work.  I had to work this weekend but was off today so what did I do -work.  It was a beautiful day and J had planned to work the fall cows and calves. 
 He already had them up in the small lot.
 We dewormed the cows with an ivermectin pour on and gave them all their prebreeding vaccine.
 It was just the two of us today but the cattle all worked well.
 The calves got a 7 way and the bulls castrated and implanted with ralgro.
Now we can turn the bull in in a few days.  With everything working smoothly we were done with 40 head by lunch.


  1. I finds sometimes a smaller crew works better , especially if it is a couple people who work together well and think on the same lines

  2. Sounds like it went well. Me and hubby dont work real well together, but somehow we muddle through if he needs my help.

  3. How do you keep it all straight. Raising cows seems very confusing to me.
