
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Goat Treat

I thew the last of the fall decorations over the fence today. 
 A couple of pumpkins can really excite a goat.
 Once it breaks open then they can get at the good part.
 Big bites now.
 Uh oh, must protect the treat.
"Back I say, stay back."


  1. I love the expressions on the faces of the goats on that last picture! :)

  2. You have some beautiful goats!
    There's something about orange (and red) next to a goat that sets them off perfectly! :)

  3. I wish they could have cleaned up all the giant squash in our garden.

  4. My goaties love pumpkins too! A lot of people have told me deer like leftover pumpkins but around here they sure don't, they won't even look twice at them. Cute pictures - I can see they sure enjoyed the leftover decorations!
