
Thursday, February 9, 2012


I was catching a horse when Emma ran toward the trees and I heard an odd noise.  When I look there was a raccoon running around in circles.  I called Emma away I got J when he came in for lunch. 
 The raccoon had only moved about 20 yards during the hour before J got in.
Emma, Bumble, Bea, Kit, the horses and me, are all vaccinated against rabies because you never know what will show up.


  1. So will you be sending it in for testing ? not sure of the protocol for wildlife

  2. Sad situation, but you handled it well!

  3. Glad you got it taken care of!

  4. The health department here doesn't test unless there was risk of human exposure, so no we didn't have it tested.

  5. good to know, I was trying , but couldn't for the life of me remember if we do here or not either,I think only "at risk" cases as well.

  6. It is scarey when a possum or coon are acting weird.

    Better safe than sorry.

  7. I came into the (empty) barn (lit up in sunlight during the day) last summer to find a bat flying around. Thank heavens I noticed it. It was landing on all the areas I would usually touch without thinking (stall latches, etc.) I was concerned it was rabid. Hubby arrived home and tried to shoot it w/his pellet rifle but missed (claimed it was scope not the shooter). :) Bat escaped. All of our animals have their rabies shots. Didn't get one for myself. Now I'm thinking I should. News reports say rabies is on the rise...or at least in our area. Good Post. Reminds us to vaccinate our animals (and ourselves).

  8. We only ever seen one racoon around here and while I was pretty sure it didnt have rabies, we got rid of it anyways
