
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh No!

Hank the Wonder horse has a problem.  He was trying to get through the gate Monday and while I was trying to hold him back his eye flicked forward and I saw this. 
 A little tumor at the edge of the cornea.
He wouldn't let me look at it so I had to get my camera to take a picture so I could see it better.  I am afraid it  is a squamous cell carcinoma.  But because of the location an small size it should have a good prognosis.  He has an appointment with an opthamologist at the vet school in 10 days.


  1. too bad. Though my sister in laws stallion had that and did very well, had it removed at WCVM and no looking back , hope the same holds true for Hank

  2. Good luck with the appt.

    Poor Hank.

  3. Best of luck, hope everything goes well!

  4. I'm so sorry. Poor thing. I hope all turns out well. I'm glad you have such an eagle eye and the knowledge to go with it!!

  5. Poor Hank, hope it goes well with the doc.
