
Friday, March 30, 2012


Hank had a good workout today.  
 I had to ride him across the river to check the water gaps that we had just repaired because it rained hard again and we were needed to move some cattle to this section. (that's the house and barn way over on the hill)  Luckily, all of the repairs held and my next chore was to round up 24 cow calf pairs to move onto the new grass.
 They actually did well.  This was a little hold up while the calf figured out how to get back out of the mud.  Hank was hoping he wasn't going to have to go in after him. 
Then there were two that didn't want to go through the gate.  The cows had all gone in so I was sure the calves would go eventually which they did.  J said he might have to hire me and Hank all summer since we did so well.  This has been the earliest we have ever been able to start turning the cattle out and stop feeding hay. YEA!
Update on Hank's biopsy.  2 pathologists read it as squamous cell carcinoma in situ (very early stage without invasion into deeper tissue) and 1 read it as squamous metaplasia ( abnormal tissue that may or may not develop further into squamous cell carcinoma.)
So now it is wait and see.  If more abnormal tissue develops then it is more aggressive removal followed by cyrotherapy.  I'm glad I went ahead with the biopsy.  Just because they are specialists doesn't mean they are always right.


  1. Thanks for the update on Hank. You are spot on. Everybody means well but that doesn't mean they are right. Keep your guard up.

    In the meantime, loved those pointed ears on Hank. I know it's good to get your horse out of the arena and onto the field (helps the hearts and souls of both horse and rider). Something I've been contemplating lately. Thanks for sharing...

  2. Thanks for letting us know. I'm sorry it wasn't as good of news as hoped for. It was good to see Hank in action.

  3. It is nice to see you out with the horse doing the rounds of the farm. Your grass looks nice and green. Must be nice to not be feeding out hay. I have just bought another 30 small squares for our winter ahead

  4. i would not have seen the house or barn.

    your property is huge.

    hoping the eye remains okay

  5. Prayers for Hank the Wonder Horse. He has been such a blessing. I wish I could ride with you! Maybe next year when we get a trailer!!!
