As I mentioned before, we worked another group of cattle yesterday. J does a lot of prep work to make it easier on the rest of us.
He already had the cattle in a smaller field near the barn. V decided she would try out Hank for the cattle drive. She got along fine with him.That left me and E on foot while J called them at the gate.
He already had set up the portable electric fence to make a lane to the barn. Once again, it was pretty painless.
V did an excellent job on the head gate. This one is a little easier to work than the one from Tuesday.
E doesn't like all of the bawling so she wore earplugs.
I was the official eartagger and tail holder. J didn't get kicked once.
We would work a group of cows first then the calve. The cows would wait at the door waiting for their calf to come out. It took 6 hours from start to finish for 70 pairs. I think we need to look into a different holding pen and chute system to make things work smoother once we get them in the barn.
Anyway, that's one more chore out of the way.
Lots of work , the right system does make all the difference , but so hard to just get the exact right system. Looks like you guys make it work pretty slick