
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Horse Vaulting

We had for us, a very successful 4-H meeting.  I had borrowed a vaulting surcingle and had practice with Hank and was ready for the 4-Her's. 
My reinforced saddle rack worked well as a vaulting dummy.
Everyone took a turn practicing the compulsory moves on it before we tried it on the real thing.
No one quite got the hang of mounting a moving horse but Katelyn did manage to do it once.
I'm not sure what move V is doing but I know we didn't practice it that way.
She did do a very nice flag move.
E took her turn,
and Cory turned out to be a natural.
Jordyn finally made it to a meeting and had a great time.
I think Katelyn is too tall for this move.
Jordyn stayed after and rode Hank (who truly is The Wonder Horse) some more, with a real saddle.  The barn worked out great too.  We had a thunderstorm in the middle or riding (0.35 inches this time)  but we never had to stop.   I think the club might be interested it buying it's own vaulting saddle now.


  1. Looks like fun , but I have to admit I would be face down in the dirt

  2. Fun!! Great job for the kids, they have much more guts than me!

  3. That looks adventurous! Our horse is so tall that I don't have to worry about my kids trying to mount him while he's moving anytime soon. They don't need any more daredevil stunts until they're a bit older.

  4. That Hank, he really is a wonder horse to put up with all that. It sure looks fun, but I have a hard enough time mounting a stopped horse with a saddle on, so I guess I will never become a vaulter.
