
Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday's Fences #45

I really have been enjoying the challenge of Friday's Fences.  Living on a farm can certainly have an advantage for subject matter pertaining to pictures of or through a fence. 
 I was down at the barn with J this morning while he was feeding the stocker cattle.
 We just had this barn lot fence built a couple of years ago so it doesn't have as much character as some of the older fences but sometimes strength is more important that character when it comes to fences.
 J brings the #50 feed sacks out on the 4-wheeler then empties them one at a time into the feed troughs.
One more week on this then they will be eating their meals in Nebraska.
For more Friday's Fences click HERE.


  1. I like how you've photographed between the rails. Great idea.

  2. looking through those rails. great shots. some one is working really hard these days. ha. ha!!! (:

  3. Love the second capture - all those rear ends!! Makes me laugh!!

  4. Nice shots looking through the fence!

  5. How come only one red? he seems to stick out.
