
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Garden's End

The garden has gone mostly to tommy toes and weeds so it was time to say goodbye to it. 
 V and E helped me clear it off this weekend.  I always have such grand  plans in the spring to keep it nice but somehow it never works out.
E helped pick out some of the nice green tomatoes to ripen later.  And believe it or not, I still have peppers and broccoli, but with high temps expected in the 30's next week, those won't last long.  Now I can start thinking about what a good garden next year's will be.


  1. I always have big dreams and good intentions in the spring too, but it's inevitable...when the heat of summer comes, along with the busy-ness...the priorities change!

  2. I too peter out with the garden mid July, about when the weeds start taking over the garden and I get busy doing other fun summer stuff, but still will try again next year.
