
Monday, October 15, 2012

Saddle Pad Rack

I'm still trying to get use to having a big organized tack room and shop.  Keeping it clean is a problem because sand from the indoor arena is continually getting tracked in.
 But back to organizing.  I thought I would try and make a rack for the saddle pads to keep them from piling up on top of everything else.
The design changed from how it was in my mind to reality.  I was originally going to use old plastic posts for the cross pieces but decided to dismantle a wood pallet and salvage to boards from that instead.  It remains to be seen if it was a waste of time or if it will work out to keep things organized.


  1. Great idea! Ours get flipped upside down on top of the saddles until they dry out. This is a much better solution!

  2. Good idea! I tend to put mine on top of the saddles to keep the dust off the saddles.

  3. I like that, I have a hanging one, but it gets really bulky as more are put on it
