
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sick, Sick, Sick

That's me that's sick not the horse.  (very bad cold)
After laying on the couch all day I thought maybe working with Otoelene would help me feel better. 
You know I'm sick when that didn't even help.  
Still, I did get her up an combed all of that trash out of her tail.  I couldn't leave her standing around looking like that now could I?


  1. Feel better! I just got over it myself, it's no fun.

  2. She's beautiful! I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Thanks for stopping on over thru the Farm Friday challenge - hope you are feeling better! Taking a look at your blog - looks like we have some things in common (kids, animals, animals).... have a wonderful weekend.

  4. We are just getting over our Christmas colds here, too... and Otolene looks beautiful!
