
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We didn't want the goats to start kidding until May.  Unfortunately, the billy goat got out one day for a few hours last fall.  J's been keeping an eye on the nannies and several were looking close.   There was a set of twins yesterday and another set today.  
 Today's were hiding up in the pine trees.  The nanny wasn't with them but Bea was.  I didn't get a picture of her with them because my battery quit after one picture.   Then she got distracted with me there and followed me out to the other goats.  But pretty amazing, she seems to have more maternal instincts toward the baby goats than a lot of the goats do.
I went back this afternoon to check on them and they were fine.  Looks like 3 more are pretty close.  Hope the good weather holds out but I'm afraid it's suppose to rain tomorrow.


  1. Very cute. And what great guard dogs you have.

  2. Super cute! I know nothing about goats. . .is it common for them to have twins?
