
Friday, May 31, 2013

Barber Shop

J, out of the blue today, said he wanted me to do something with Brother's mane.  We are taking him to a show tomorrow for a halter class and the possibility of a walk/jog class depending on how things look.  So I said, let's make it western.  
 He mane hasn't been cut since he was born.
 It looks nice but a little shaggy for showing.
 J wanted to cut it himself.
 This was the result.
 I evened it up a little.  It could probably go a little shorter but I don't want to have to band it for this show.
Maybe the birds can use this in their nests.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's Blooming

 And more Peonies!
 You can never have too many peonies.
Too bad you don't have smell-o-vision.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quick Trip

V starts her summer job this week, waitress at a local restaurant,  so she wanted to go to the beach for a short vacation before she started work.  
 The ocean was beautiful as usual but the temperature was a little chilly.  I don't see how people were swimming when the air temperature was only in the low 70's.
 Since the tennis courts are nearby, we took advantage of the cool air and played a little.
 V is showing some definite improvement from the last time we played.
 I enjoyed sitting and reading and a little walking and shark tooth hunting. (a few finds, nothing spectacular)
And now  for something totally different, tough guy with a cat.   I've seen tough guys with cats, but at the beach on a leash was a new one.  I'm not sure the cat was too thrilled with the prospect of getting close to the waves.  Looks to me like he's checking out how to escape back out of there.   

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Last Group Is Done

We got the last group of cows worked today.  V was home from college and E checked out of school early because not much is going on the last few days of school.
It was very nice having the extra help.
The little calves didn't know what was coming.
Now they are sporting their new jewelry.
J uses the first number as the year they were born.  He used to use the second number as the cow number when he caught and tagged them at birth.  But now that we work them later the second number is random.  It was also a problem when we kept heifers from a cow.  The heifer would have the same number as the cow so the calves would all have the same number.
V has taken over my job of tail holding.  I didn't mind giving that job up at all.
And E still enjoys running the pharmacy.
Some of the calves got a little too close to the wrong end of the cows.  All of the spring grass has made things a little runny.
Moms were at the door waiting for their little ones to be done.
I had some questions last post about using a composite bull.  J's theory is that if you have a crossbred program you like,  it is easier to keep the percentages with a crossbred bull.  If you use a purebred then there is a higher percentage of that one breed.  Our herd is mostly Angus based with red Angus, Hereford, Simmental and Tarentaise.  We also have a new bull this year that has a small percentage Brahman.  Our main bulls are purebred Angus and Hereford though.  J is trying to produce a cow that will be optimal for our location and management.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Friday's Fences #82

Here is one of our new bulls for this year, Z2.
He's a yearling,  3/4 Simmental and 1/4 Angus.  Won't be long now until he gets to go see the cows on the other side of the fence.
For more Friday's Fences click HERE.

Two Trailer Tales

We used the trailer twice last weekend.  When we first hooked it up before the show I told J that there was a bird's nest in the neck about the hitch.

He's first comment was, "I wonder if a taillight will be out."  Sure enough, one was.  I forgot about the nest until the next day.
When we were at the arena for the 4-H meeting J said he heard some hungry birds.
 These little guys had been on two trailer trips.  The parents where there waiting when we got back. 
J had left the trailer hooked up after the last trip.   V had a job interview but E had left a door open on the car and the battery was dead so V thought she would try to jump start it.  She had never unhooked the trailer before and didn't let down the jack before cranking it down.  She said she didn't hear or feel it dragging across the bed.
But you can see it did.
J had to lift it with the tractor to let the jack down.  I guess V will know next time.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's Blooming

The poppies are still blooming. 
 I think that they are very photogenic.
 When my grandmother was in the nursing home she would always ask about my flowers and what was blooming at the time.  It would make for good conversation.  These poppies came piggy backing on some peonies that I had gotten from her.
 The old fashioned irises are in full bloom now.
 As is the allium.
 My Siberian irises are starting to bloom.
 I got this shrub a couple of years ago and have forgotten what is is called.  My grandmother had one like it at the corner of her front porch.
And the daisies are blooming now, just to name a few.

Monday, May 20, 2013

First Show

J and I had a great time at our first show of the year.  V and E were with uncle M at the beach, so we decided to just go and take our own horses.  
 This was Brother's first time going anywhere.  He loaded onto the horse trailer perfect.  It was his first time on that too.
 He was in the first class, Western Halter.  Wouldn't it be nice if he got first?  Oh well, we didn't place in a class of 10.  He was the youngest horse in the class and just didn't have the muscling of the others.  But he stayed calm and listened for the most part.  He stayed quietly at the trailer for the rest of the show.  It was a very good outing for him.
 The show had a good pay back for all of the classes.  As long as you were in the top 4 you at least got your entry fee back.  So, I went in Adult Showmanship.  Otoelene's pivot could have been a little sharper, we were 2nd out of 3.
 I took her in her first cantering class.  She did well, stayed calm and slow but it took nearly half the ring for me to get her to canter the second way. 4th out of 5.  The judge said she was making a real nice mare. (He had see me show her last year)  I told him that so far she is still just pony height.  He said she would be a super pony. (E are you listening?)
Our best class was Adult walk/jog.  
We placed 2nd out of 8.  I was very proud of how quiet and consistent she was all day.  It was a great start to the show season. (And we were only out a $5 gate fee and gas).  Now we just need to add V and E to the next one.
Didn't J take some great pictures!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kit Cat Sunday #14

Today Kit is in the truck.  
 It's J's Farm Use truck.
 You can see he's been doing some fencing.
 Maybe a trip to the dump is in order.
Kit needed a little cleaning up after that photo shoot.  "Hand sanitizer anyone?"

Saturday, May 18, 2013

10th Grade Awards

E came home with an arm load of academic awards Tuesday. 
 The first one was given out during the Senior Scholarship awards.  E was very surprised to get a $100 award in French from the Rotary Club.  She later asked if she should put it in her college fund.  I said, "You don't have a college fund, my working is your college fund."  I told a colleague of mine that and she said she had had a college fund for her son.  She saved for 18 years and it paid for one semester for the college he chose to go to.
E also got Most Outstanding in English, Highest Average in French 3, Highest Average in Algebra II, Highest Average in Biology and Most Outstanding in PE/Drivers Ed.  No award for home ec. guess we can't have everything.  We are very proud of you E, great job!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Friday's Fences #81

J has another orphan calf to raise.  It seems like there is at least one every season.  
I really like how the older cattle are looking through the other fence at the calf.
She's a cute little thing.
For more Friday's Fences click HERE.