
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's Blooming

The poppies are still blooming. 
 I think that they are very photogenic.
 When my grandmother was in the nursing home she would always ask about my flowers and what was blooming at the time.  It would make for good conversation.  These poppies came piggy backing on some peonies that I had gotten from her.
 The old fashioned irises are in full bloom now.
 As is the allium.
 My Siberian irises are starting to bloom.
 I got this shrub a couple of years ago and have forgotten what is is called.  My grandmother had one like it at the corner of her front porch.
And the daisies are blooming now, just to name a few.


  1. So pretty. Love the poppies!

  2. Your poppies are so the color! The iris are beautiful too...mine are just starting to open this week.

  3. Grandma would really love your yard. I think she would be so pleased that you have so many of her flowers. Everything is so lovely.

  4. Gorgeous flowers! My allium and iris are blooming. everything else is waiting for warmer weather I think. :) The white shrub flower looks like what we call it here a "mock orange". is it fragrant? A mock orange has an orangy smell. :)

  5. Love them all, especially the poppies!

  6. Hi,

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