
Saturday, July 13, 2013

What To Do With Ribbons

This year V will be staying with Grandma while she is at college instead of a dorm. (Thank you Mama, that's going to cut our college cost in half.)  Grandma ha been cleaning out my old room to make room for V and her stuff.  For some reason she thinks I need to take all of my stuff out of the dresser and bring it home. Well, the biggest part of what's in there are old horse show ribbons. 
 Lots and lots of horse show ribbons.  I'm pretty sure this isn't all of them but until she finds more boxes the rest get to stay there.
 She suggested that I hang them in the workshop.  My initial response was, "they'll get dirty."  Then I though, what do I care, they're 30 years old.
So I got out the extension ladder, some nails and string and did this.  I think it will be a conversation piece for anyone that comes to the barn and it did add some color to an otherwise unused space.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Mama finds another box.


  1. Very cool. Definitely will add some color to the shop

  2. I saw a picture of a Christmas tree decorated with horse show ribbons. Looked pretty cool. But to do with them the other 11 months outta the year! HA

  3. That's a lot of hard won hardware! it would have been a shame to just toss it out. :-{

  4. Looks pretty cool out there! Tis always a wonder what to do with old ribbons, I have a whole bunch of skating ribbons and medallions and trophys just stuffed in a box, should do something with them I guess too

  5. Wow! It's so pretty and colorful!

  6. Now I think that is simply awesome. I bet you absolutely got a real buzz winning them all when you were younger so it will rekindle those magic moments ....and a little magic is always nice
