
Monday, September 16, 2013

State Show Results (lots of pictures)

Another successful State Show, which means we made it there and home in one piece.  It was 2 very long days of showing, but not nearly as hectic as when both V and E were showing.  V did come with Alex to watch on Saturday and I can't believe I didn't think to take their picture.  I guess it was because they weren't attached to a horse.  I have my priorities you know.  
 And this pair was the center of my universe for the weekend.  In her Western Pleasure Pony Sr. Rider 1st go, they looked really good.  Pep still has her problems, nose out and faster to the right at the lope than the left.  But we were still hopeful for 2nd.
 So E was a little disappointed to get 3rd.  First went to the very nice POA on this end.
 Then Pep and E, having to go 1st in a class of 39 in Working Western which is a pattern class, had a pretty good go.  Everything went well until the last maneuver, which was to counter canter to the right on the left lead.  She picked up the lead fine but didn't hold it through the turn.  Still, watching all of the others go, and seeing lots of mistakes and very few do everything right, we thought she had a good chance at a ribbon.  But alas, it was not to be.  This created quite a lot of disappointment but we'll get over it someday.
 Second day and Western Pleasure 2nd go.  This is in the always dreaded indoor arena.  It apparently makes Pep very nervous because it never fails that she needs to take a potty break, usually at the lope in front of the judge.  3rd again.
Then standing in line for her turn at the Trail Finals.  This was the only pattern she didn't have to go first in.  Because they work it in between other classes, the order is random.  
 E has always had trouble getting Pep to lope in a very small area and over poles but she some how managed for the class.  She made it over 2 before she broke and trotted the 3rd.
 The side pass apparently also made her nervous and Pep had to take another potty break right smack dab in the middle of it.
 I know the picture isn't good but I had to say that Pep did canter over the last 4 RAISED poles and didn't touch a one!  E ended up with 9th out of the original 52 that signed up for the class.  Only 20 were called back for the finals and only 10 got scores and weren't disqualified.  It's a very hard course.  (remember the picture 2 days ago)
 It's hard to believe but Pep did spend some time in her stall too.  The 4-Her's are suppose to do all of the work at the show.
 Anyone that has ever ridden in chaps knows it can be a little bit challenging bending your leg to get your foot in the stirrup.  E resorted to getting in a chair because she was tired of J launching her in the air.  This was for the Sr. Pony Horsemanship Class.  Yet another pattern where she went first.  And guess what place she got. Yes, 3rd again.  But that was high enough to qualify her for the Horsemanship Classic that night.
 I missed the 450 degree pivot in the class but caught her practicing it.  See Pep's tail flying out.  It is one thing she does very well.
 Would you believe they lined them up in numerical order.  This was the 4th different arena that they showed in.  It was the top 3 from 6 classes of Horsemanship including Juniors, Seniors, horses and ponies.  E did a very nice pattern and I had her at 5th or 6th.  Then they had a very long rail session with the top 15.  An hour after she did her pattern she walked out with 6th.  To her credit she beat the 2 that had beaten her in the first class earlier in the day.
 Then the finals of the Pony Pleasure Classic.  This was the top 5 from the Juniors and Seniors.  Can you see the color of the ribbon.  THIRD.
I think E was most proud of the trail and horsemanship classic ribbons.  She felt these required the most skill from the rider.  But to Pep's credit, it was the best she had done.  She was very consistent and calm good with her leads.  And she was sound!  We stripped the stall, loaded the trailer and were home by midnight. State Show 2013, in the record books now.


  1. Yay love sound horse!! Sounds like a lot of work in 2 days bet you were exhausted when you got home

  2. Great reporting! And congratulations to E!

  3. Lots of thirds but that looks like a good ribbon in those big classes :)

  4. I LOVED the update. I'm learning that horse shows are sometimes about the judge and their favorites in certain classes. None the less, E did fabulous! What stuck out the most to me was that everyone in the arena had a helmet on. How on earth did that happen? Is it a rule? When our club wears their helmets, they are laughed at by all the other clubs on the mountain. I wish they were mandatory, and then my kids wouldn't give me so much grief about them.
