
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Crazy Clients

I'm having to work a little extra this week so no picture today but I will tell you about one of my appointments yesterday.

The complaint was - Dog swallowed a rock.  I told the Tech to set up for x-rays.

Me - Did you see your dog swallow a rock?

Ms. Rockette  - No, but she likes to play with rocks and I'm just waiting for her to swallow one.

Me - What is she doing that makes you think she may have swallowed one today?

Ms. Rockette - I let her outside and when she came back in she was pawing at her face.  I gave her some water but she wouldn't drink.

Me - Well, her chin is very red and swollen.

Ms. Rockette - She did that herself with the pawing.

Me - Maybe she is pawing because it itches.  It looks like she has been stung.  See, her is a spot that looks like a sting and it's red all around it.

Ms Rockette - Well, why wouldn't she drink her water?

Me - Because she was too worried about itching her chin where she was stung and maybe she wasn't thirsty right at that instant.

Ms Rockette - So you don't think she swallowed a rock?

Tech - What happened to the dog for the x-rays.

Me - Don't ask.


  1. Did the dog swallow a rock? Or did Ms. Rockette? lol!

  2. Nice. I guess it takes all kinds of people in this world. Do you have an added "stupid" fee for your billing?

  3. LOL must be hard to keep your "game face " some times
