
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mass Suicide?

I have a rope gate set up in the barn.  E and I use it to practice with every horse we ride.  This is a required obstacle for the trail class at the State Show and I don't know which horse E will take next year so they are all learning how to do it which is just good training in general.  
 Anyway, I rode Wrangle yesterday but decided to skip the gate when I saw this....
 What??? Mass suicide or Kit keeping Emma away from his kills.  There is also a small hawk that hangs out around the barn.  Would a hawk do this?  The woolly worm is an incidental finding.  Remember the invasion post.
No new update, still on fire.


  1. Huh. . .that's different.
    Good idea about having all the horses able to do the rope gate. It's a good skill to have.

  2. That's bizarre. My money's on Kit. I think the hawk would have eaten them.

    At the junior level, being able to work the rope practically ensures that you'll be in the ribbons. The young competitors have a hard time with it.
