
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Now We're Done

We went by to check the last cow due to calve this fall.  (the other one looks to be bred so late she'll just have to move to the spring group)
 The cows are sometimes scared of me so I stayed back while J walked up to check.  From my vantage point I couldn't see anything.
That is until a little white head popped up.
It is amazing how they can hide in plain sight.  It was terrible at our farm at the house before we got the goats and we were overrun with multiflora roses.  The entire cow and sometimes lots of cows could be lost in some of those thickets.


  1. That is amazing, how even the white ones can hide. Are you able to get close to them when they're born out there?

  2. I had to make the photo big to even see the little one. How cute :)

  3. They lay so flat! Sometimes you wonder if they are alive. They don't even move. How do you do it? Calving in fall AND spring? We start February 1 is the due date, but give or take 2 weeks. I LOVE calving out heifers. :)

  4. I have spent hours looking for a calf only to find it somewhere near the start again
