
Friday, January 31, 2014

German Stars

Yesterday was an unusually slow day at work.  Instead of trying to level up on candy crush saga like everyone else, I decided to be a little more productive.
I made some German Stars for my Christmas tree.  Yes, I know Christmas is 11 months away, but you can never have too many ornaments.  And these are so light weight that they can go out on the very tips of the branches.
There is a very good tutorial at After getting the hang of it, it took about 10 minutes a star.  As I said, it was an unusually slow day, most likely due to the combination of weather and end of the month. 
And I couldn't resist another trip to Tractor Supply after work.  Who can pass up fly spray for .99 cents?


  1. I remember making stars like this in German class! I totally forget how to make them, so I'll have to check out the tutorial! :)

  2. How pretty. I'll have to check out the link.
