
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Totals

Well, it finally snowed.  It started about 2:00 pm yesterday and it's still snowing this morning.  My boss spent the night at the office and said I didn't need to try to come in today.  Yay, snow day!
 My VT boots were tall enough but a little too cold since they aren't insulated.
 And we have 9 inches.  Not earth shattering but plenty for snow cream later.
We had to push Emma out this morning.  I think she is getting a little spoiled.  A whole free day, what to do, what to do...


  1. I would recommend a large whisky and a good book! Sitting in front of a log fire!

  2. It's nice you don't have to venture out in it! Although I'm a bit tired of it by now...the snow really is pretty. Enjoy!

  3. that is a lot of snow in a short time!
