
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Good Fences #10

Tuesday J and I worked the larger part of our cows and calves, 64 pairs.  But first we had to get them into the barn lot.  
 The last time it worked will to bring them though the bull lot by setting up the temporary electric fence.
 Hank was instrumental in moving the bulls to the other side of the fence then going after the cows and calves.  There is a fence there, take my word for it.
 They were in the wooded section of the hollow.
 Hank really saved me from doing a lot of running around on foot.
Then there was one more bull to move out of the way and it was time to start our real work in the barn.  No fences in there so no pictures of shots, ear tagging and ralgro implants.

 For more Good Fences click HERE.


  1. hank seems like a wonderful work partner! thanks for linking in!

  2. I have wonder it takes me so long to blog hop.... what the heck are ralgro implants? to Google....

  3. I have no clue what Ralgro Implants are either (not sure I want to know) but it is interesting to see what goes on with farms and their animals.

  4. lOVE LOVE LOVE a working ranch pictures...thanks bunches for sharing.
    here from Good Fences...:)

  5. I call it the shuffle. Always moving cows here and there to get cows to the barn. Love my pony! They sure do make working cows easier. So do the dogs. Especially when it comes to the bulls!

  6. Love the trails the cows make though the wooded lot. Always something to do with cows, our big day comes the 9th then hopefully we can rest a bit (haha)

  7. That job can be a real challenge. Glad you had Hank's help!
