
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Good Fences #15

I was helping J with a section of fence he wanted to reinforce when I noticed that a couple of staples had pulled out of this post. 
 I went to tack the wire back on when I saw
 this inside the post.
 Well, of course I couldn't pound staples into the post now.
I kept an eye out and saw the pair of blue birds that the nest belonged to.  I'll check it in a couple of weeks to see if they've hatched.

For more Good Fences click HERE.


  1. oh, my! what a place to nest! great fence link-up!

  2. this is Amazing... they will put those nest anywhere i guess..

  3. Wow! What a wonderful surprise. Now I am looking to see the young ones soon. Great fence for the meme.

  4. How cool! I would not expect to see bluebird eggs as I have always seen them nest with some kind of covering.

  5. What a wonderful surprise!! So glad you chose not to disturb them. Can't wait for the next photos!

  6. Isn't that the best find ever! Wow, I bet that momma thought, what a wonderful place to build a home/nest!

  7. Love your Good Fences fence and what a nice surprise inside the post. Awesome...

  8. Unexpected place for a nest, but pretty safe I spose unless it rains

  9. It's fascinating to see which places birds choose to build their nests in. I'm glad you found this one and could show it to us.

  10. Great old fence. And what a sweet surprise. I am glad you noticed! Beautiful shot. I'll see you tomorrow. I can't decide what to post. LOL!
    Have a great 4th.

  11. Oh, this is wonderful...loved the first shot at first glance...the others were just icing on the cake.

  12. What a great find, the eggs are a pretty blue.. Great fence post..Happy 4th of July!

  13. Love the old rustic fence post and gorgeous blue eggs!
