
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Horses, Bees and Berries

With the push to get Jessica conditioned for the endurance ride, we took her and Brother to Horse Heaven for an 8 mile ride.  
 Jessica is good about going in front and setting the pace but sometimes it is a little too fast for the one not trying to condition.
 Brother did his best.  Sometimes he listened and other times not so much, but we got through in one piece.
There was a lot of turning around to try and swat the mammoth horse flies that kept after us.
 And I did ride in front for part of the way.  Brother is usually very brave unless a limb is on the trail or a rock or stump is beside it.  Needless to say, he looked at a lot of things but never really spooked.
 When we were finished I got to pick some of these.  Wine berries are my favorite.
 But I nearly stepped on this hornet's nest in the process.   I got stung once and J got stung by one that followed me to the trailer as I was running away.
But it was worth it for a few handfuls of heaven.


  1. Those berries are mouth watering.

  2. Love berry picking, but I too have met the poor attitude of a couple of hornets this year
