
Monday, November 24, 2014

Awesome View

This is a view that I have really been missing since April when I first started fighting white line disease in Otoelene's right front hoof. 
 I've been so depressed with her having to stay in the barn lot for 7 months now and I'm sure she has been too.  But for the last couple of weeks, dare I say it?, she's been sound.  I've ridden her in the barn a few times and even loped twice but only for a lap, not like she doesn't tear around the lot like a crazy horse at times on her own.   And so far so good.  Her hoof still hasn't grown out completely and I'll probably post  some pictures of the progression later, but for now just enjoy the view.
 It rained yesterday and the ground was pretty wet so I just rode her in the bottom where is was nice and level and no rocks.
  Can you believe the temperature was up to 60 by 10 am.  What a gorgeous day!
Otoelene was interested in everything.  She really wanted to move the cattle around but it wasn't time to rotate them today.  So she had to make due by just walking through them and pinning her ears at a few of the calves.  
She didn't even mind checking out the pile of horse eating wood.  And on the way back to the barn instead of making a bee line back to the gate she just meandered around acting like she was postponing going back. I felt like I could have ridden her all day, but I didn't want to over due it with her.
On a different subject, V got home for Thanksgiving vacation last night and J already has her out somewhere cutting wood.  No laying around on the sofa this vacation.

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