
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

And, They're Off

We didn't get the freezing rain they were calling for this morning so everything was a go to get the calves loaded out for the feedlot. 
 J fed the calves extra hay last night so they would be full this morning.
 The field is a little worse for the wear since the calves stayed an extra 2 weeks.
 They were no trouble getting up and the haulers showed up pretty much on time.  J said everything ran like clockwork.
 We even had enough weight on the semi that we ended up bringing 3 back home.  Speckles was glad to get turned back out.
Now these 3 will go out with the replacement heifers and the light end of the group that we had already sorted out.   Now for the other ones it's a 22 hour trip straight through to Nebraska.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that picture of the young one jumping from the trailer!
