
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Just Kit Sunday #85

Kit Kat is joined today by V.  You'll have to wait for Kit Kat's pictures at the end.
 But first, here is V with her new (to her) car.  It is a 2010 Nissan Rouge SL with 69,000 miles, a heater that works, leather heated seats and a sun roof.  A friend of ours was selling it and it was just what V had been looking for to start out on her own with since she will be graduating from college in another month.
 She will gladly hand the rav down to E.  We are hoping it will last through E's college although it is a 1998 model with 230,000 miles on it.  I don't think J would mind having it for a farm vehicle.
And who knows what will happen to the 1989 crown vic now.  V is really glad those days are gone.  Poor E, one more week before V takes ownership of her car for good.
Now it just has to pass inspection.   
 Kit Kat's inspection that is. 
I think he likes the licence plates!
Happy Easter everyone. 


  1. Love the license plate! Yay for V getting a new ride! I'm sure she's thrilled!

  2. Our daughter got her car the last year of high school & we told her it had to last through university, after which she could buy her own darn car.
    It was a great plan & would've worked if the kid had not gone on to a 5th year & projecting a 6th, maybe even a 7th year. (HELP ME SHE'S DROWNING ME IN SCHOOL DEBT)
    Her car has nearly 400,000km on it & so she only drives for out of town now & takes the bus to school.

  3. Glad to hear the mileage on that Rav...we have a 2008 Rav and it has under a 100,000 miles so should be good for a few more years. Which I do expect from Toyota.

    But I love the looks of the is nice vehicle, too.
