
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Cloud On The Ground

Bumble and Bea continue to be the most amazing dogs ever.
 On this day, I thought Bumble looked like a cloud on the ground.
 With the goats confined to one field during kidding, the dogs have had more down time.
 Bumble is doing double duty as guard dog and play ground equipment.
 They are so gentle and tolerant.
With the coyotes yapping outside our bedroom last night, I know there is no way that we could keep the goats without them.


  1. Awww, what great pictures!! I especially like the second to last, shows true tolerance. I had no idea they were so gentle. I love their fluffiness. The only ones I've seen in person were unexpected on a mountain trail ride out West = surprise! They were doing their job guarding goats, and like good dogs retreated after a few tense minutes.

  2. How cute and so very fluffy. Are they friendly? My neighbor has one and he would prefer cows over people anyday...hes a bit shy.

  3. LOVE the pictures of Bumble with the kid. So sweet!

  4. Pics of Bumble letting the lamb clamber all over her are so sweet.

  5. Gorgeous GPs! Ours hasn't yet figured out that our sheep are not playmates...she just wants to have fun.
