
Friday, May 13, 2016

Sweetwater Day 14

I worked with Sweetwater this morning getting the halter back on, again, brushing, approaching and leading.
I used the twine to get the halter over her neck then decided to just run it through the loop and use it as a lead rope.  While I was leading with the twine she never tried to bolt so no new rope burns on my hands, YAY.  Still making slow progress.


  1. Very exciting! I'm thinking back to just days ago when you clipped on the lead rope and Sweetwater went off. Now you are leading her around with a lead rope. Great stuff. Sorry to hear about the rope burns.

  2. I'm assuming E was your filming assistant (since I think I saw J on the four wheeler). Good luck on your trip E! Send email updates!

  3. Great progress!! Loving reading your journey :)

  4. Might be slow, but it's still progress! Keep up the great work!!!
