
Friday, June 17, 2016

Sweetwater Week 8

It has been a slow week for Sweetwater.  
I did have to turn in my 45 day report with pictures.  She is gaining some weight but still refuses to eat any grain.  I have mostly been working on refining skills she has already learned.  I still haven't gotten on other than bareback off the fence while still hanging on to the fence.  She is driving better, more responsive to the reins and stopping better.  She spooked while saddling once and the saddle hit the ground near her back legs and she walloped it pretty good.  She is really good about picking up her front feet.  I pick up the back ones but don't hold them yet.  Sort of hoping when the farrier come he will volunteer to do that. 
I led her around some new places on the farm and she did wonderfully.
There was some sad news from one of the other trainers.  It looks like he will be out of the competition with his horse but he is petitioning the MHF to see if he can get another one.  He had already been riding his round at a big show he had taken some other horses to.  This is what was posted on FB

This week has been a week of heartbreak for HCF.    Mustang Sally will not continue to be in training for the Mustang Makeover Challenge. Unfortunately, she has a lameness (a form of laminitis) that will require her to be out of work and have some extensive farrier care over a lengthy period of time rendering her not suitable at this time to continue her training for the competition at the end of August. She has been vetted and the Mustang Heritage Foundation folks have been contacted to discuss the options. Jeff has made the decision to place her in the Training Incentive Program (TIPS) with the Mustang Heritage Foundation with the goal of adopting her out with full disclosure of her current soundness status. This is very disappointing and heartbreaking for all of us. This mare has an incredible mind and desire to please humans. Her potential is endless and we will work very hard to help place her with someone who is willing to wait on her and provide the proper farrier care she will need. The training she has already received will certainly be beneficial in placing her. If anyone is interested in adopting this mare, please contact Jeff. There are specific requirements (including an application) necessary for adoption eligibility and those are all accessible on the Mustang Heritage Foundation's website.

You just never know what might happen with any horse.


  1. Sweetwater is looking good! You are doing great with her!!

  2. Too bad about the other guys horse but stuff happens and usually at the worst time.
    I agree she does look good. When is the challenge date?
