
Monday, July 11, 2016


J and I got an early start today so we could round up the fall calving cows in order to wean the calves. 
The hope was to get done by lunch.  I guess if you eat at 2:00 then we were successful.
They were packed in the barn lot to start with until they shifted around some and we were able to start letting the cows back out. 
J sorted out a few replacement heifers. 
And there were some culls, 4 open and 3 with bad feet. 
We then had to make 3 trips with a loaded trailer back to the house. 
We turned them out in the bull lot to start with.  After a few days we will let them out on a larger pasture.
I then got to ride Otoelene to move some of the cattle here to a different field.  I couldn't resist taking a picture of the king of the rock as I passed by.  
I just never get tired of the views here.  Hope your day was a good one.


  1. Our vet was just telling us about how different dairy cattle are to work with than beef cattle. (he grew up in Oklahoma) Those are some strong looking animals you have there...I wouldn't want to get between them and wherever they wanted to go! I guess that's why you have good gates! :)

  2. You have beautiful long range views!
