
Friday, October 14, 2016

This One's For E

With E off at college, Pep hasn't been getting much attention lately.  E asked me yesterday if I could at least look at her to make sure she was ok.  Well, of course I have been looking at her and she is ok.
 But today I went ahead and caught her, cleaned her up and went for a little ride.  Her mane really grew out this year without having to cut it for western pleasure.  She looks like a little reining horse now.
I rode her in the barn and outside.  She even got a little frisky outside to the point I had to hold her back.
And E, here is a little video to prove I rode her and she isn't even lame.  The last time E tried to ride her I think she was favoring 3 out of 4 feet.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, how sweet that your daughter requests news of her mare & worries about her so (she is looking good, btw).
    I always wished for my own daughter to love the horses as I do. When she was young, I bought her a lovely, push-button palomino. When she sold her sweet horse to buy a car, it finally sunk into my head that we had raised a country mouse who would rather be a city mouse... sad day for me.
