
Friday, December 30, 2016

Fences Around the World

I just saw where Good Fences has changed to Fences Around the World.  I think this post will fit the bill.

Good help can be hard to find but lucky for us we had some right at home.
 We took advantage of E being on break to get her to help round up and sort the calves for weaning.
 Everything works out better with and extra person in the right spot.
 There is always that one cow that never wants to keep up.
 Then J towed them with the tractor and promise of hay,
 all the way into the barn lot.
 Cows on one side, calve on the other. (it wasn't that easy, me and E were the ones running up and down the hill to sort the cows out while J worked the gate)
 And we didn't have the best weather or lot conditions as you can see.
 This time we tied bags to the temporary electric fence.  Sometime the calves start running and don't seem to care that there is a fence there.  J thought the bags might get their attention a little better.
 It worked great and the calve moved to the field behind the house,
 while the cows went back to the field they came from.
Now we are fence line weaning, calves on the left cows on the right.

For more Fences Around the World click HERE.


  1. Thanks for sharing your fences. Now we have Fences Around the world because I live in Europe so now we upload fences from different continents..I a m glad to host you in My European blog.
    Happy New Year. See you next week.

  2. Good to see what the fences are there for - the cows!
    Happy New Year!

  3. How do you find the fence line weaning works? Im pretty sure our cows would push right through not so worried about the calves

  4. I use that bag trick on temps & new fences all the time; it's my go-to.
    Happy New Year & Best in 2017 4R!
